was zu tun ist.
mit verfügbaren Mitteln.
individuell sehr unterschiedlich.
jeder, jede einzeln.
und als Gemeinschaft.
die besondere Verantwortung.
der Entscheidenden.
und für Andere mit:
fatal, wenn sie falsch gebraucht wird.
mit irreversiblen Folgen.
von Krieg und Zerstörung.
von menschlicher Sehnsucht.
nach Ruhe und Liebe.
das Verbindende.
das zu betonen und zu fördern ist.
und darzustellen.
worum es geht.
nicht aufgeben:
"looking for expression"
yes, "you need to send it"
wenn jemand die Brisanz erfasst.
dessen, woran hier gearbeitet wird.

Dear Hans-Jürgen Syberberg,

Your film keeps returning to my mind, also because of the war… History repeats itself but with different actors. There is no progress. One generation cannot pass the experience of suffering to the next. Or can it? As if you had the purpose of sending a film to the future, a time capsule... Even if one asks, would it get there, would it be listened to? I feel you need to send it…

The water is up to his neck. / Under the water the praying chants for ages, looking for expression. / let’s do it in our way. Against human hubris. / What else.



They have seen the worst, western russia, 1941-42
boris prorokov worked in a style that reminded some art critics of the "posters of exhortation" of the spanish civil war. his painting is titled "near babi yar" (a village about ninety miles southwest of moscow, located on a main railway and highway leading to the capital). the picture was part of a patriotic art series, "this must never happen again", which has been examined and praised in several published collections of contemporary slavic artworks. (tretyakov gallery)

aus Demmin:

von KW:
highway leading to the capital




zu Baumstumpf in Ivenack
dem Ort der Eichen, nach deren Fällung "in einem Tag"

Vorschlag ihrer Zukunft
"solln sie doch Bonsais pflanzen"