
Thank you for inviting me to address you here today. It’s a pleasure to be here with J Street, which has been such a strong voice for saner, more progressive foreign policy ideas. And I am delighted to be in the company of friends from the Middle East and all over the world who I know will continue the struggle for a world of peace, justice and environmental sanity.
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Let me begin by noting that in the last several months, since Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential race, there has been a significant outbreak of anti-Semitism here in our country. I am very alarmed by the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, with Jewish Community Centers being threatened around the country, and with the headquarters of the Anti-Defamation League receiving a bomb threat last week.

When we see violent and verbal racist attacks against minorities – whether they are African-Americans, Jews, Muslims in this country, immigrants in this country, or the LGBT community, these attacks must be condemned at the highest levels of our government.



The United States will continue its unwavering commitment to the safety of the State of Israel, but we must also be clear that peacefully resolving this conflict is the best way to ensure the long-term safety of both peoples, and for making America more secure.
To my Israeli friends here with us today: we share many of the same challenges. In both our countries we see the rise of a politics of bigotry and intolerance and resentment. We must meet these challenges together. As you struggle to make your society better, more just, more egalitarian, I want to say to you: Your fight is our fight.
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American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream.
Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect.
And streets where mothers are safe from fear Ñ schools where children learn in peace Ñ and jobs where Americans prosper and grow Ñ are not too much to ask.
When we have all of this, we will have made America greater than ever before. For all Americans.
This is our vision. This is our mission.
But we can only get there together.
We are one people, with one destiny.
We all bleed the same blood.
We all salute the same flag.
And we are all made by the same God.
And when we fulfill this vision; when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American Greatness began.
The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us.
We just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts.
The bravery to express the hopes that stir our souls.
And the confidence to turn those hopes and dreams to action.
From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears Ñ inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past Ñ and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts.
I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the American Spirit. I am asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country. And I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment and Ñ believe in yourselves.
Believe in your future.
And believe, once more, in America.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless these United States.
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Erste Rede vor dem Kongress
Trump gibt sich versöhnlich
Er klingt präsidialer, doch von seinem Kurs rückt er nicht wirklich ab: Bei seinem ersten Auftritt vor dem Kongress hat US-Präsident Donald Trump die Parteien zur Zusammenarbeit aufgerufen. Neue Regeln sollen bald für die Einwanderung gelten.


Trump unterstrich auch seine Verbundenheit zur Nato und machte sich dafür stark, im Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) mit arabischen Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten.

Trump rückte aber nicht von seinen scharfen und zum Teil umstrittenen politischen Forderungen ab. Er machte sich erneut für eine strikte Einwanderungspolitik stark. Er werde die nationale Sicherheit wiederherstellen.
